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In March, the production unit of CCTV-1’s Prime Cartoon Land program visited Kaiwen to film the little reciters. The show has already been broadcast on the TV channel.
Kaiwen students reciting the ancient poem Spring Outing On Qiantang Lake as a group
Against a scrolling landscape painting backdrop, the students performed well as they made their CCTV debut.
While reciting ancient poems during personal presentations, Kaiwen’s versatile students showed other talents as well. In the following photo, you can see the grade-3 student Sun Wenchu singing an ancient poem.
To get themselves into the best condition, they rehearsed very hard.
Kaiwen has set up an Academy of Chinese Studies, an Academy of English Studies, an Academy of Mathematics, an Academy of Science, an Academy of Art and Physical Education, and an Academy of Development, where the Academy of Chinese Studies strengthens Kaiwen’s identity as a Chinese school. As early as last December, the Academy of Chinese Studies held the 1st Kaifeng Classic Poem Reciting Contest. The poems, sad or exciting, led the students to experience classic Chinese works of art, learn about ancient Chinese sages, and reflect their personal ideals.
1st Kaifeng Classic Poem Reciting Contest
Eventually, CCTV-1’s Prime Cartoon Land program selected seven reciters from Kaiwen (namely, Tao Yufan, Hu Shiying, Fang Yingqi, Sun Yunchu, Wang Qianzhu, Feng Youyou, and Zhang Mahaiping) as the 1st little reciters.
For more videos, click the following links:
Kaiwen’s little reciter in the sunny reciting field: Hu Shiying
Kaiwen’s little reciter in the sunny reciting field: Fang Yingqi