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This was the second time that the University of Sydney has visited KWA. Unlike last year, a team of professors from the departments of math, science, and computer science at the University of Sydney visited KWA this time. They introduced the basic features and specialties of the university and shared their academic achievements in their respective research fields. They also exchanged their experience with KWA Science Group teachers with respect to STEM education.
The arrival of Isthier Chaudhury, an admissions officer at the University of Rochester, which has the world’s top music school, has excited 11th graders indeed. After learning about the interests of talented KWA students, Mr. Chaudhury highlighted the University of Rochester’s flexibility in terms of selecting a major. During the first two years of study at the University of Rochester, students are able to select any arts discipline apart from a basic research discipline. The university also encourages its students to develop and persist in their own special interests.
Mr. Chaudhury appreciated the fact that each KWA student excels in at least one instrument. When asked about the application requirements, Mr. Chaudhury stressed that “in addition to Standardized Test results, we value two things: one is your focus and continuity in a certain project, and the other is whether you are willing to share.”
With the release of universities’ admission lists for the previous academic year, foreign universities have started their enrollment procedure for the new school year. On Thursday, more than 30 overseas universities of the Council of International Schools (CIS) will visit KWA and hold exhibitions to allow KWA students to communicate one-on-one with foreign college admissions officers.