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发布时间:2021-04-12 | 浏览次数:







合唱 Choir



Choir is off to a great start in the second semester! The students are working hard towards their Summer Concert and are taking part in various composition activities.



Students in Grade 6 are working on pitch, intonation, and basic techniques in 1 or 2 part singing. This solidifies their learning from Primary School and also prepares them for the many changes that are occurring to their voices as they get older.


七年级55名学生被分成两个合唱组。两个合唱组之间互相学习,努力提高音乐技巧、发声和声乐能力。七年级合唱团的教师是王蓓和Christina Schirf。

Students in Grade 7 (all 55 of them!) have been divided into two Choirs. Each Choir will be modeled after the other and both choirs will work to improve musicianship, intonation, and vocal abilities. Ms. Wang Bei and Ms. Christina Schirf are both Choir teachers for Grade 7 Choir.



八年级合唱团的教师是张汝一(Cherry)和Christina Schirf,张汝一(Cherry)老师正在带领八年级学生表演三段式合唱A Whole New World,其中包括声乐技巧和团队合作能力的提升。Christina Schirf正在带领学生改编歌曲,比如改编英国摇滚乐队Coldplay的歌曲Viva la Vida。

In Grade 8 Choir (which is 60 students!), students have also been divided into two Choirs. The two teachers for Grade 8 Choir are Ms. Cherry Zhang and Ms. Christina Schirf. Each choir is working towards 3-part harmony and singing in both English and Chinese to facilitate growth and understand of music and its meaning. Ms. Cherry’s Choir is performing is presently working on three-part-chorus A Whole New World that will involve singing skills and teamwork. Ms. Christina’s Choir is working on creating melody and harmony with Viva La Vida by ColdPlay.


九年级合唱团由Christina Schirf带领,同学们在努力学习作曲与三段式和声。高中合唱团的独特之处在于他们成熟的嗓音以及他们与难度更高的音乐之间的紧密联系,他们的声乐技巧与对音乐的理解提高了表演水平。他们将在夏季音乐会中演唱三首歌曲,分别是Ad Astra, Country Roads和The Sound of Silence。

In Grade 9 Choir, led by Ms. Christina Schirf, students are working towards meaningful composition and also 3 part harmony. What sets the High School choir apart from the younger choir is their mature voices and their strong bond as they work towards more difficult music that stretches their skill and understand to a higher level of performance and excellence. Their 3 pieces for their concert are Ad Astra, a piece in Latin, Country Roads, and the Sound of Silence.



All Choirs are learning basic music theory. Each class is working on projects of different sizes to take their Performance Skills and apply them to C reation. Last semester, students worked on songs in a Pentatonic scale (do, re, mi, sol, la), which is reminiscent of traditional Chinese folk songs. Students had fun creating these songs and added lyrics in English:


九年级Jessica Hu同学创作的Chocolate Forever,旋律由五声音阶组成

“Chocolate Forever” by Jessica Hu, Grade 9, melody composed with Pentatonic Scale.


Students using MuseScore software to create Diatonic Compositions with melody and harmony.


Student work from Grade 6 that uses a Chord Progression Formula to create different compositions.







Parent Reminders:

All students are to complete homework using the software app app.musicprodigy.com. This app uses voice recognition technology to pick up the students singing voice and decided it the student is singing correct or incorrect notes. Students have 2 assignments per week online! Students also recieve points for Effort during class. Since the human voice is always developing, we encourage students to make mistakes, but to also learn from them. This is the only way we explore and improve!

钢琴 Piano



All 6th, 7th, 8th,9th grade piano students are learning music for the Spring Concert and technique skills for Arpeggios.



乐队 Band





Our 6th/7th grade group is working to complete the first 6 notes on their instruments. These first notes are played different for every instrument, and each instrument has its specific challenges. These 6 notes are practiced in many different patterns and styles so students can be comfortable playing them in all different types of music. We will add on new notes very soon.


大家也在为即将到来的音乐会做准备。目前,同学们正在创作一首歌曲,名为The Voyage of the Dragon Armada——郑和下西洋的探险经历。学生在这首歌中扮演不同的角色,每一名同学都在努力成为独立的音乐家,为共同的作品而付出。

We are also working on articulation, meaning how and when to use the tongue to begin each note played. We are also preparing for our upcoming concerts, and are currently working on a large group song called The Voyage of the Dragon Armada, The Maritime Expeditions of Zhèng Hé, the ancient explorer and diplomat. All students play different parts in this song, so students must work to be strong, independent musicians for all the different pieces to fit together. We will be choosing and preparing more pieces soon.



We have also had students prepare their own songs and perform for their classmates. This can be scary, but it is valuable experience as a young musician, and valuable experience as a young person.



First notes fingering chart



Essential Patterns



Concert Music Example: Trumpet Part





8th and 9th Grade are working on similar skills as 6/7, but more advanced. These students have learned at least one octave on their instruments, and they are using a full-range fingering chart. We are also using these notes in various patters to become more adept and advanced on our instruments. We are beginning to learn our chromatic scale, getting familiar with every note and fingering on the instrument, from the bottom to the top.


同学们也在为即将到来的音乐会做准备,大家在学习Tambora (William Owens)。学生正在运用在基础练习中所学的技巧,如音调、手的位置、姿势、空中支撑、手指技巧等,以更快地接受、学习、吸收这些新的音乐知识。

We are also preparing music for our upcoming concert, but this music is also more advanced. These students are working to learn “Tambora!” by William Owens. Students are applying the skills learned in our fundamental practice (tone, hand position, posture, air support, finger technique) to learn these new musics more quickly.


音乐教师Brian Gay授课中







Parent Reminders:

1. Please encourage your student to practice at least 5 minutes a day. Older students should do more. Ask them to play for you, and remember, our music growth is a long process, so they likely won't sound like a professional yet!

a. Practicing in our class is like studying in other classes. We want to have daily reinforcement of our class at home whenever possible.

2. Students are given regular video performance tests through Canvas, please make sure your students are practicing so they can do well on these playing tests, and please make sure they turn them in on time.

3. Students are expected to bring their instrument and instrument accessories, their music folder, and a pencil to class each day.



弦乐 String



All 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grade string students are presently working on a writing project that will involve creating their own 8 measure composition. They are learning music for the Spring Concert.

音乐教师Susan Jimenez授课中



2D数字艺术 2D Digital Arts


2D数字艺术课程由Fenia Guilford授课。第一学期,学生在学习数字艺术的过程中不断进步,首先学会使用Photoshop,并了解数字艺术的世界。在不同的项目中,同学们进行照片处理,并将数字渲染应用到Excel中。让我们欣赏下第一学期2D数字艺术课程的部分作品吧!

Semester 1 Digital Art was an evolving experience, where students first learned about photoshop and the digital art world. Projects evolved photo manipulation and digital rendering to excel. Here are just a few works from Semester 1, 2D Digital Arts I.



May Kong同学(G12)参加“世界公民艺术竞赛”(Global Citizenship Competition)。

Students are offered digital art competition opportunities.

Global Citizenship Competition (left):

Artist: May Kong



Jessie Geng同学(G10)的作业:创建数字渲染

Students learned brush and painting techniques

Assignment (below): Create a digital rendering from reference.

Artist: Jessie Geng



Jiashu Zhan同学(G11)合成食物和动物

Understanding digital tools allows us to mix the unconventional, conventionally.

Assignment (right): Compositing food and animals

Artist: Jiashu Zhan



Gloria Kong同学(G11)占用艺术品

Students researched and challenged the idea of plagiarism, and appropriation

Assignment (below): Appropriating Artwork

Artist: Gloria Kong



Semester two Digital Art 1 starts with new students while Digital Art 2 is comprised of advancing student from last year. They are learning the application of digital art in the real world. Many of the assignments are motivated by a chosen theme to link their final digital portfolio. The first assignment was re-create a movie poster in minimalist art style.

(See below for sketch and final product. )



创作者:Jack Yu(G11)

Theme: Nature vs. Man. Artist: Jack Yu.



当前作业:The Bigger Picture. 练习使用“热键”和“转换”工具(相关详细信息可参阅Canvas)

Current Assignment: “The Bigger Picture”. Practicing using “hot keys” and the “transform” tool (See student Canvas for detailed information and guides)


Upcoming Assignment:

Composite animals and food.




Current Assignment: Observation, lighting, and idea generation. (See student Canvas for detailed information and guides). Sketches in Contour line, value, and how to develop creative works from references.


Creating career applicable objects-based designs, such as Product designs, Game Asset design, and Scientific Illustration.




学生必须访问学校的Microsoft SharePoint,作为存储文件的辅助位置。


· All student should have a usb drive that is at least 5GB as the primary location to save their digital files.

· All students are required to has access to their school “Micorsoft SharePoint” as a secondary location to store files.



G7&G8艺术课由Fenia Guilford授课。学生以二维、三维形式创作艺术作品,同时学会观察、艺术制作、艺术分析,以及历史和现代世界的应用。(相关详细信息可参阅Canvas)

Students will produce artwork in two- and three-dimensional forms while becoming familiar with the components of Observation, Art making, Art analysis, and historical and modern world application. (Please see Canvas for the detailed syllabus and Unit list for your student's grade. )



Each unit will be including vocabulary practice, history and artist research, self-reflection, peer assessments, practice assignments, and 1-4 week unit projects. Each unit closes with a Formal Assessment on vocabulary and art analysis. Units may adjust based on the need of the students.



Each student will create their own sketchbook during the semester. The sketchbook should be well organized, and all images and information should clearly show the student’s progression throughout the year. (Begins Unit 1, week 2 of school.)



The final exam is worth 10% of the entire semester grade.50% of the semester grade will be the sketchbook review. The other 50% will be a written exam.



Current Unit: Elements and Principles of Art



The first Unit of study is based on the Elements and Principles of Art. Students complete exercises to learn these basic blocks of art making. Here are some of the assignment’s students have conducted thus far.


Drawing practices to connect and use the 7 elements of art


Research and Comparison Assignment on Canvas



Current Assignment: Students use their understanding of the Elements of Art, Principles of art, and Research to create their sketchbook cover.







Please check PowerSchool and Canvas weekly, for any missed assignments. Students can make up grades at any time and must return the assignment and the grading sheet to Ms. Guilford for review.

Please review the syllabus (found on Canvas,) for classroom expectations, such as C.A.P. grading. C.A.P Grading is done weekly and based on student effort and persistence in class. Lower



高中部绘画课程I、绘画课程II、水彩和亚克力课程由Robert Joaquin授课。


Painting is color production. A painter needs to capture a scene in all its glory-vibrant colors.

Reason why painting students in KWA are immersed in color production drills. They need to deliver on color production drills satisfactorily if not awesomely before they can proceed to painting.



Upon surviving the drills, they will be painting the works of the master painters from four art movements – Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, Expressionist, Symbolist and Cubist. Doable styles they must do if only to experience lifetimes of technical and conceptual discoveries by well-known painters like Van Gogh, Gaugin, Cezanne, Monet, Manet, Klimt among others. Upon acquiring technical and conceptual proficiency in the visual language that painting essentially is, they will paint what they want to paint in a style or combination of styles they feel most comfortable with.



Students are also taught how to choose quality materials like paints, canvas, brushes and peripherals and how to use them properly, economically and wisely. To enable students to experience the creative process in its entirety, from art production, preparation, actual painting, to conceptualizing, organizing, finding a venue, installing and promoting an exhibition, interested students get a 'walk-through-the process' that may wind up in a sumptuous Dutch treat.




"All the art courses offered by the school have taught me a lot. In the Drawing and Painting courses, teacher gave me a lot of time to learn Drawing/Painting skills and improve my control of pencils, brushes and watercolors. I also learned to choose correct color combination of my works to make them more beautiful. When I was drawing/painting, my teacher would give advice from time to time and point out where the problem of my works. After the repeated corrections and the hard working, my drawing/painting techniques had a huge improvement."



"Design&Craft is different from the previous two courses in that the Design&Craft course focuses more on developing students' creativity and manual skills. Teachers will provide interesting topics to stimulate students' creativity and imagination. It also teaches students how to make their thinking become real, and at the same time the teacher supports originality rather than making students blindly imitate others' works."


北京大爷 十一年级黄兆基(Lucio)同学作品



高中部AP设计(Design)、AP工作室艺术(Studio Art)由Elizabeth Lasure授课。


This is a new course for advanced design students. The curriculum is based on design thinking. Design thinking is a process for creative problem solving. Design thinking is concerned with solving problems through design. Problem finding is also an important part of design thinking. After all, working on a wrong problem can bring any solution for better life design!




Currently, students are researching and designing sculptural headdresses. The design problem they were given is twofold. 1. What role does dress/adornment play in ritual practice around the world? How and why will you adapt these ideas? 2. What can be made of a paper bag?


Sketchbook sample

Canvas Page research assignment


在AP工作室艺术课程中,学生需要在学校社区内推广和发展公共艺术项目。为了实现这一目标,“Invention Lab”壁画项目应运而生。在与小学科学课程组长Kevin Eiker合作中,同学们展示了他们的设计方案(利用Photoshop),然后与Kevin Eiker讨论交流想法?!癐nvention Lab”壁画于去年11月开工,2021年3月完工,这幅壁画位于小学楼三层。

As part of the Advanced Studio arts curriculum, students are required to promote and develop public art projects within the school community. In pursuit of this objective, the 'Invention Lab' mural was created. In a collaborative effort with Kevin Eiker, Primary Science Curriculum Coordinator, students presented their design the plan (developed on PhotoShop program), then discussed changes and ideas from Kevin. Work began in November was completed this month. The 5'x8' mural is located on the 3rd floor of the Primary building just next to the Administration Offices.

“Invention Lab”壁画项目

Invention Lab Mural

“Invention Lab”壁画创作中

“Invention Lab”壁画项目完工




初中艺术课由Kambiz Taherabadi授课。


Semester 2 has started off great for both G7 & G8 art students. The students from both G7 & G8 have been working collaboratively on a mini presentation discussing the opening statement 'What Is Art?'.

Students had the opportunity to express their views and opinions through many artistic disciplines like; drawing, typography, and colour.

Students then presented their work to the teacher and the class. After each presentation the students would participate in a short Q&A from the class.

This activity helped the students to be more confident, expressive and open-minded when discussing someone else's opinions.




Students will be introduction to 7 Elements of Art (Line, Space, Texture, Shape, Form, Colour, Value) and 7 Principle of Design (Emphasis, Movement, Contrast, Rhythm, Unity, Balance, Pattern). Students will explore each discipline through a range of workshops and contextual study (research).


Over the semester students will be required to up load their art homework onto Canvas. Homework will be based around research questions and notes taken from class.



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