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Having a higher sense of national cultural recognition and national confidence, they will become teenagers with generous and inclusive minds.
2019-05-12They gave their opinions on self-growth, interpersonal relationships and social issues as teenagers, making the world hear their voices.
2019-05-11SPORTS DAY有全校师生的身影,有热心爸爸足球队的加入,也有妈妈啦啦队的助威,一场场精彩的赛事变身全员参与的体育嘉年华。
2019-05-10Sports day in Haidian Kaiwen Academy is an event for the whole school.
2019-05-06The lecture aims to further enhance students’ awareness of preventing incidents and protecting themselves.
2019-05-06同学们分别走进园博园、清华大学、北京植物园,在互动中寻找学习的乐趣,在行走中提升核心素养,达到学校博识课程的目标——成长为 “博闻广见、卓有通识,内外兼修、知行合一”的凯文学子。
2019-05-05They search for the fun of learning in interaction and improve their core quality in trips for the goal of growing Kaiwen students with vision, knowledge, morality and ability to practice, the mission of the classes.