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On September 19, 2018, Kaiwen welcomed a delegation from Blair Academy, Trinity-Pawling School, and other boarding schools in the United States. Mrs. Zhou Zhaoyu, Executive Principal, and Mr. Wang Shi, Executive Vice Principal, received the visiting guests on behalf of the school.
2018-09-20?2018年9月15日-9月16日,第六届“融贯东西”国际大会(East Meets West 6th Conference)在“京城最美校园”——北京海淀凯文学校隆重召开。本届会议以“Collaboration is the New Competition”为主题,旨在通过搭建海外大学和国内高中的桥梁,更好地推进国际教育领域升学指导工作的发展。
2018-09-18From September 15th to September 16th, 2018, the East Meets West 6th Conference was held in Kaiwen, the most beautiful campus in Beijing. The theme of this conference is "Collaboration is the New Competition", which aims to better promote the university admission counseling in the field of international education by building bridges between overseas universities and domestic high schools.
2018-09-16On September 16, 2018, after the 6th East Meets West Conference, the principals and teachers from Kaiwen Academy, International Department and Tsinglan International School of the Tsinghua University High School held a meeting to share the university admission guidance work.
2018-09-169月13日晚,美国五所顶级文理学院:狄金森学院(Dickinson College)招生主任Brian. Atkins先生、曼荷莲学院(Mount Holyoke College)招生主任Amy E. Markham女士、里士满大学(University of Richmond)招生副主任Marilyn Hesser女士、西沃恩南方大学(Sewanee:University of the South)招生主任Lee Ann Backlund女士,以及联合学院(Union College)招生主任Mary Karen Vellines女士到访海淀凯文学校,向到场的300多组校内外家庭介绍学校情况和最新的招生政策。
2018-09-15On the evening of September 13, the admission officers from the top five liberal arts colleges in the United States visited Kaiwen Academy, to introduce their colleges and the latest admissions policies to more than 300 students from Kaiwen and other schools and their parents. They are Mr. Brian. Atkins, Director of Admissions of Dickinson College, Mrs. Amy E. Markham, Admission Officer of Mount Holyoke College, Mrs. Marilyn Hesser, Deputy Director of Admissions of University of Richmond, Mrs. Lee Ann Backlund, Admission Officer of Sewanee: University of the South, and Mrs. Mary Karen Vellines, Admission Officer of Union College, ,
2018-09-159月4日晚,全球顶级私校约翰·霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University)招生官Nick Igo先生到访海淀凯文学校。
2018-09-06On the evening of September 4, Mr. Nick Igo, Admission Officer of The Johns Hopkins University, the world's top private school, visited Kaiwen Academy.