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2018-08-07The blue and clear sky, red roof, green grass – surrounded by the scenery of the most beautiful school in Beijing, the camouflage suit soaked with sweat became the most beautiful dress of this summer. Strong youths lead to a strong country. The military training is an important part of the national defense education of the whole people and an integrate part of the ideological and political education of contemporary middle school students. At 9 :00 am on August 7, in the sonorous singing of national anthem, the military training camp opening ceremony in the 2018-2019 school year of Kaiwen Academy kicked off, and one-week military training of middle school began.
2018-08-072018年8月6日上午,2018-2019学年海淀凯文新学期全体教职工大会如期举行。凯文智信教育集团董事长徐广宇先生、海淀凯文执行校长周兆玉女士、常务副校长王实先生、学术校长Donald Miller先生等校领导发表了欢迎致辞,也就未来学校的发展提出了诸多规划。
2018-08-06Kaiwen Academy is full of energy and vitality everywhere even in the midsummer. On the eve of the autumn, a rain weakened the summer heat, and the faculty and staff of Kaiwen Academy had already backed to school to prepare for the teaching of the new school year.
2018-08-01In the exploration of Kaiwen’s advanced international teaching mode, English is considered as an integrate part in education. After comprehensively investigating overseas education resources, Kaiwen Academy first tried the “conditional admission” teaching mode in the spring semester of 2017-2018 school year. Students who want to strengthen their English should first receive a one-semester immersion study in American high school and go back to continue their study in Kaiwen.
2018-08-012018年北京海淀凯文学校奖学金评选工作于今年6月底紧锣密鼓地展开,并于近日,在学校各部门及教师团队的通力合作下顺利完成。北京海淀凯文学校今年设立了 “校长奖学金”、“卓越奖学金”,以及“新生奖学金”,旨在通过学费减免等方式,鼓励品学兼优、学有特长的优秀学子。
2018-07-10Recently, in the U12 group of Basketball competition in the 14th UWG held in Austria, a small elite team of the Oriental Venus Basketball Club, joined by Wu Guanchen, a student of Kaiwen Academy, overcame all difficulties all the way through and reached the finals, won the runner-up.