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Children immersed themselves in the event like playing games. There was no test paper, but only games. It was really fun.
2019-03-29Recently, two special classes have been launched in Kaiwen Academy in Haidian district: the cross-grade P.E. class and art class.
2019-03-29作为一所国际学校,北京海淀凯文学校提倡文化多样性,在丰富多彩的各类世界节日中,2019年3月20日,学校组织了大型公益活动“Pink Shirt Day”。
2019-03-20Among a wide range of colorful global celebrations, Kaiwen launched a large-scale event for public wellbeing with the name of Pink Shirt Day.
2019-03-16They came for a hospitable reception to international education and to experience the charm of education infused Chinese and Western styles.
2019-03-14Having fun was frequently expressed by students that day. Math is no boring, but full of surprises and intriguing secrets.