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5年级学生们在海淀凯文校长周校长和小学部主任Mr. Shimshak的带领下,开始了期待已久为期7天的日本研学之旅。此次研学中, 值得记录的学习瞬间无处不在。提前精心设计的研学“主题”引领此次整个行程的规划,让学生们通过各样的体验,深度了解日本文化和日本教育。
2018-12-05The arts and cultural study tour to Italy brought together 23 students of Grade 9-11 and three teachers. They spent one week traveling around the country, listening to stories about its history and culture, appreciating a wide variety of artworks, enjoying DIY activities and reflecting on the uniqueness of Italian culture which was itself a fruit of cultural diversity.
2018-12-05?激动人心的海淀凯文年度Spelling Bee大赛在11月底正式开赛。一周的时间里,6-8年级的同学们通过班级初赛、年级复赛的激烈角逐,最终11位同学站在了决赛场上。
2018-12-03The highly-anticipated annual KWA Spelling Bee officially kicked off at the end of November. After a week of intense competition among Grade 6-8, including class preliminaries and grade semifinals, at last 11 students made it to the finals.
2018-12-01From November 10 to 11, 2018, the National Synchronized Swimming U Series Club Tournament kicked off at the Laishan Sports Park Swimming Pool in Yantai City. Yao Chengxi, a representative of Kaiwen team, made his debut and won three gold medals in the 2018 National Synchronized Swimming Tournament, including the required movement for Junior Group, 200m medley, and individual event.