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May is the season for blooming flowers, thanksgiving, labor, and singing. Amid the spring breezes and the brilliance of early summer, the “Meet in May” Large Chorus Concert was held at KWA’s auditorium on the afternoon of May 17. KWA students staged a wonderful choral performance under the guidance of KWA Music Group teachers.
2018-05-21家庭是孩子的第一所学校,父母是孩子的第一任老师。为了向家长传递正确的教育理念和教育方式、客观且全面地评价学生表现,海淀凯文从本月起正式启动“凯文教育沙龙”系列活动。 5月16日,以 “如何有效地与孩子沟通艺术” 为主题的第一期沙龙在湖心岛顺利举办,到场家长和艺术组老师们围绕孩子艺术学习的话题进行了深入探讨。
2018-05-18Home is a child’s first school and parents are the first teachers. To help parents establish appropriate educational concepts, choose suitable educational methods, and objectively and comprehensively evaluate their child’s performance, Beijing Kaiwen Academy (KWA) officially launched the series “KWA Educational Salon” activities this month.
2018-05-16On May 15, 2018, Lu Yunquan, Director of the Haidian District Education Committee, Zhao Xun, Deputy Director of the Urban Construction and Environmental Protection Committee under the Standing Committee of Haidian District People’s Congress, Tu Yongyong, Deputy Director of the Haidian District Education Committee, Mo Hongtao, Deputy Director of the Educational, Scientific, Cultural, Health, and Sports Office under the Standing Committee of Haidian District People’s Congress, Lin Zhijun, Deputy Director of the Urban Construction and Environmental Protection Office under the Standing Committee of Haidian District People’s Congress, Wu Jing, Director of the Haidian District Education Committee Office, and Jiao Dongqin, Director of the Reform and Development Office of the Haidian District Education Committee, inspected Beijing Kaiwen Academy (KWA).
2018-05-12On May 12, 2018, Beijing Kaiwen Academy (KWA) held a school-wide parents’ meeting to allow teachers and parents to fully discuss students’ learning and living situation at KWA during the first half of the 2nd semester. The meeting was also to prepare for the school’s future teaching work and family-school communication.