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On June 12, 2018, Haidian District held the 8th “Century Cup” Primary School Teachers’ Basic Skills Training and Demonstration Activity. Liu Li, a Chinese teacher at the KWA primary school, won first prize at a lesson introduction contest in the Sijiqing school district. Teacher Liu will represent the school in a lesson introduction contest at the Haidian District level.
2018-06-04“北美的大学课程中涉及很多复杂的学术内容,帮助学生通过语言测试仅仅是第一步。在ESL教学中要大力培养学生的学术性语言能力,这才是对他们真正有益的。”Andrea女士如是说。 ESL(English as a Second Language,英语作为第二语言教学课程)是针对母语非英语的并把英语作为第二语言的语言学习者的专业英文课程。海淀凯文的学生从一年级开始接受ESL课程,并且所有授课老师均来自母语为英语的国家。
2018-05-292018年5月27-28日,首届TIDE国际教师发展大会在北京海淀凯文学校隆重举办。 会议为期两天,由顶思TopSchools主办,海淀凯文承办,大会得到了国际文凭组织IBO、剑桥大学国际考评部CAIE、亚洲协会国际教育中心等多方支持,500多名来自全国各地国际学校、教育机构和国际组织的嘉宾代表和一线教育工作者齐聚海淀凯文,就世界教育创新与变革浪潮下国际教师的专业成长与未来发展课题进行深入探讨和交流。
2018-05-28“Enter to grow in wisdom; depart to better serve thy country and thy kind.’ This is an excellent concept of Western education. While studying the methodology of Western education, educators engaged in China’s international education should also profoundly understand the deep motives and objectives behind it. Once the educational concepts have changed, educational methods and content will change accordingly, which will then promote the genuine teaching innovation.” —Abstract from TUHS Principal Wang Dianjun’s keynote speech at the TIDE conference
2018-05-285月22日,伴着浅夏的芬芳,海淀凯文全体小学部的同学来到北京孔庙和国子监博物馆追古溯源,了解儒家文化,感受经典国学魅力。 上午9时到达国子监街牌楼,同学们以班级为单位跟随景区讲解员步行进入博物馆,尽管当天参观的学校较多,但大家都认真听从带队老师和讲解员的引导,有序地列队等待,得到了现场工作人员的一致好评。
2018-05-24On May 22, basking in the fragrance of early summer, the Beijing Kaiwen Academy (KWA) primary school students went to the Beijing Confucius Temple and Guozijian Museum to trace China’s long history, understand the Confucian culture, and experience the charm of classic Chinese studies.
2018-05-24五月是花开的季节,感恩的季节,劳动的季节,也是歌唱的季节。 踩着春风的脚印,牵着初夏的烂漫, 5月17日下午, “邂逅五月” 大型合唱音乐会在报告厅拉开帷幕,海淀凯文的学生在音乐组老师的指导下,带来了一场精妙绝伦的合唱表演。
2018-05-21孩子对于世界最初的理解和经验都来自父母,但时代在变化,孩子们在逐渐长大,家长们也需要不断地学习去探索更好的教育方式。5月17日,斯坦福大学特约讲师、旧??教育研究?院客座讲师 Jeffrey Leiken先生莅临海淀凯文,为200多位校内外家长带来了一堂立意深刻的心理教育课——青春期的亲子沟通。
2018-05-21A child’s initial understanding and experience of the world comes from its parents. Parents need to constantly explore better educational methods to suit changing times and a growing child.