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Appreciating a gallery of students’ fine art works amid moving music in a place with no gorgeous stage and dazzling lights, you might feel like you were attending a warm family-school party.
2018-01-17这个冬天,马达加斯加音乐剧来凯文啦! 幼小衔接冬令营专场哦! 1月29日至2月2日, 唱起来!演起来!跳起来!
2018-01-16想成为雄伟搞怪的狮子、还是想憨厚可爱的斑马? 这个冬天,DDC带你领略马达加斯加的风情! 用美妙歌声和可爱表演为您带来一场视听盛宴! DDC马达加斯加音乐剧,海淀凯文冬令营来啦!校内外学生均可报名哦!
2018-01-11To see the world through books. Social Studies Creative Projects, which is an integrated, personalized, and project-based learning program, is designed to cultivate 21st century student skills in exploration, creativity, and design thinking.
2018-01-08“I used to be a clumsy bird and failed one of my courses. I then followed the teacher’s advice and strove to be an ‘early bird.’ In fact, many students fail not because their IQ is low but because they lack the needed executive force.”
2018-01-08Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way, Oh what fun it is to ride, In a one-horse open sleigh! 伴着快乐的歌声,海淀凯文早早就是满满的圣诞氛围啦!