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How can we teach reading to improve the students’ reading ability better? How can we improve the level of middle managers, allow them to fully display their talent, and enhance team cohesion? How can we improve our overall view of education, expand our international vision, and better combine subject teaching and talent cultivating?
2017-11-28英语周刚落下帷幕,北京海淀凯文学校又迎来了精彩的数学周。 个人竞赛、小组竞赛、趣味游戏、学术探秘……五花八门学习形式充满了本周的数学课堂。而小学数学组则直接举办了“数学嘉年华”,小学部的全体老师共同协作,为同学们开了一场精彩的数学大Party。
2017-11-27Kaiwen Academy’s wonderful English Week had barely ended when the Math Week started. Individual competitions, group competitions, fun games, and academic explorations—to name just a few—were the learning forms in this week’s math classes. Kaiwen Academy’s elementary school teachers held a math carnival for students.
2017-11-23The notes, like spring water or moonlight, were sometimes bold and bright and sometimes mild and delicate. Fingers danced briskly on the black and white keys and slid from bass to treble, leaving behind rosy scenery all the way. The melody then descended slowly from the treble like pearls scattered on the ground, small but shiny.
2017-11-22Role playing, classic reading, bingo games, buddy reading, spelling bees.... Have you tried these fun English learning methods? Last week, students at Kaiwen Academy (Haidian) were playing just these games every day after school. The English teachers’ creative ideas made students realize that English learning could be fun.