? ?
2017-11-01“有没有一门课程,可以将文学、哲学、历史、美学、科学、德育甚至体育融合在一起,同时让学生们培养团队意识、合作精神和独立自主能力?” 开学之初,在做多学科融合教学时,曾有老师提出这样的“完美课程假设”。 是的,我们现在可以肯定地告诉大家——通过这次研学活动,我们尝试做到了。
2017-10-27In the 2017-2018 school year, Kaiwen Academy (Haidian)’s “mobile classroom” program has enabled students to make an excursion to Dunhuang on the ancient Silk Road. Kaiwen moved the “classroom” to northwestern deserts, Yangguan Ancient Road, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, and Jiuquan Satellite Launch Base. Kaiwen students received the edification of aesthetics, learned the profoundness of history, felt the subtlety of philosophy, experienced the miracles of science, and witnessed wonders of mother nature at museums, theaters, and barracks, and in the aerospace city.
2017-10-242017年10月7日-10月8日,第五届“融贯东西”国际大会(East Meets West 5th Conference)在北京海淀凯文学校隆重召开。
2017-10-10With the rapidly changing international policies, what are the problems facing the internationalization of China’s basic education nowadays? How will Donald Trump’s coming into power impact Chinese students’ plans to study abroad? How can admissions counselors help students choose a school? How can we receive visits from admissions officers of overseas universities more efficiently? How do we improve students’ soft power when it comes to admissions applications? All these questions were discussed in depth at last week’s EMW held at the Kaiwen Academy.
2017-10-10每年的9-11月份是留学申请准备语言考试的集中阶段,也是国外大学招生官高密度出访做招生宣讲的时期??б岳?,北京海淀凯文学校已经相继迎来14位大学的招生面试官。在刚刚过去的一周,美国大学德雷塞尔大学(Drexel University)和雪城大学(Syracuse University)的招生官也到访了海淀凯文学校。
2017-09-19Lewis and Clark college和UCI两所美国大学招生官分别到访海淀凯文,与9-11年级的同学们面对面交流,让同学们全面了解大学,为留学申请做准备。