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Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way, Oh what fun it is to ride, In a one-horse open sleigh! 伴着快乐的歌声,海淀凯文早早就是满满的圣诞氛围啦!
2017-12-222017年12月16日北京海淀凯文学校开放日盛大举行。当天,全校共接待了数百组家庭上千人的到访。 开放日当天,海淀凯文可谓诚意满满。从宣讲介绍到入学咨询,从课程体验到艺体活动,还有精彩丰富的学科展览和送上惊喜的圣诞老人,每一处细节都体现凯文人的用心。就像到访家长说的:“来了,真的会爱上这里。”
2017-12-19Beijing Kaiwen Academy held a grand Open Day on December 16, 2017. Hundreds of families visited the school that day. The Open House showed Kaiwen people’s sincerity and thoughtfulness in all aspects, from school introduction to admissions counseling, from demo classes to art and sports activities, and from rich, wonderful subject exhibitions to Santa Clauses, who gave everyone happy surprises. “You’ll really come to love this place once you’ve made a trip here,” said the visiting parents.
2017-12-152017年12月13日是南京大屠杀80周年纪念日,也是第四个国家公祭日。这一天,海淀凯文学校人文社科组的老师组织中学生在晨会上开展了一场以“PEACE& LOVE & HOPE”为主题的纪念活动。
2017-12-15December 13, 2017 marked the 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre and the fourth National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims. That day, humanities and social sciences teachers at Kaiwen Academy (Haidian) organized secondary school students in holding a commemorative activity with the theme of “Peace, Love and Hope” at the morning meeting of the school.
2017-12-15In this ever-changing age with increasing Chinese-Western cultural exchanges and intensified talent competition, the world is turning its eyes to China. How can our students become future talented people versed in both Chinese and Western cultures? How should we teach our students so that they can understand our national culture, live elegant lives, and have both international perspectives and home country feelings? How can we plant Chinese roots deep in the children’s hearts and improve their cultural confidence? These are issues that Kaiwen Chinese language teachers have been thinking about.
2017-12-152017年12月9-10日,在北京规划展览馆举办的2017-2018年度未来之城中国区总决赛中,代表北京海淀凯文学校参赛的Valley Town和Made造物主队分获中学组二等奖和三等奖。